Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The main point I want to make from the article and video is that media can have a great affect on the learning process.  The kind of affect on the process is a positive one, which helps kids be more creative and knowledge-able.  Mike Wesch talks about why students need to be more knowledge-able and how they can become so with aid from  an instructor.  Jenkin's article "Why Heather can't write" expresses this main point through the discussion of  how kids use The Daily Prophet.  The article talks about how these kids express themselves by creating characters and histories about these characters and how it helps kids learn creative thinking.  Wesch and Jenkin are both trying to show how creative thinking can being forth a life time of learning and how media has enabled a connection between us which is why people need to be knowledge-able.  In the Wesch video he explains this quite well.  My support for this are an experiment and   some information from MIT's media laboratory.
http://www.ifets.info/journals/12_2/1.pdf   this experiment was trying to test the facilitation of cognitive learning by video games.  The results concluded that video games do aid in facilitate cognitive thinking and a child's development can be aided with a form of video game due to the different types of learning.
http://affect.media.mit.edu/projectpages/lc/AI-ED.PDF:This piece of evidence talks about the affects of emotions on learning.  The reason this piece supports my point is that while playing a video game, one feels a positive emotion(happiness, fulfillment, achievement) which then allow them to learn better while playing.

Thus I have concluded that media, such as video games, can help aid students to learn because it engages parts of the mind that no other tacks do.  And to make the second link's support more clear, media can make us feel apart of something bigger than ourselves which has driven people in the past and people today to go above and beyond themselves.  When  one is playing a video game, there are many things to think about like magic, flying, and etc that is of the walk and creative and by being in that world it opens one's mind to endless possibilities where the mind can then create things it my never have thought of.    

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